Saturday, June 22, 2024

Fire (F)

The Sunday Fire burned over 1200 acres the first week. The park's bison herd was moved north by way of a dozen local ranchers figuring out a safe passage across their grazing land. Most of the town's folks stayed put. For now. 

Dixon and Charlotte in the evening set their lawn chairs in the bed of the pickup and watched the flames above the main ridge about two miles from their small farm. The kids were staying with her parents until an all-clear was issued. 

Charlotte looked up at the sky. "Think it will ever rain, Dix?"

"Ever? Ever's a long time."

"You know what I mean."

"If you mean to put out the fire, no."

"That too."

"Sure, it will rain. Just don't know when. You think the kids are okay?"

"They're living in the pool and eating junk all day long. They're good."

"I wonder if your dad's living in the shop."

"Most likely."

They sipped on their beers.

"Tell me a love story, Dix."

"A love story?"

"Yes, Dix. A love story."

"Jesus, Char. A love story. You know how they go."

"How's that?"

"They go the same. There's the beginning, then a middle, and then the end."

"Just like that?"

"Yep, just like that."

"Just like that."

"Yep, but they're all different too."

"Tell me."

"Some run hot longer than others. Some go cold quicker than others. Hard to predict."

"You need something to eat?"

"No, not now. Maybe a sandwich later."

"Tell me more, Dix."

"Oh, I don't know. I think a good long run in the middle, that's about the best. And then a quick end I guess."

"Do you know a love story like that?"

"Mom and Dad pretty much went like that."

"You think they ran hot at first?"

"Guess so. I mean, then, sixty-four years, and then Dad's cancer was quick."

"Look at the sky, all orangey. So they were happy?"

"Far as I know."

"So, it was a good love story."

"I think so, mostly."

"Are we going to get burned out, Dix?"

"Not if the wind stays from the southwest. Not if it holds that way."

"Then we're good here?"

"Yep, think so. Think we're going to be okay."

"I'll drink to that, Dix."

Lyman 2024

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Dee Dee Banks (F)

For JW

Dee Dee Banks balanced herself on her left foot and with her right reached back behind her to stab at the pedestrian walk button at the corner of Hudson and State streets. Her left hand held the leash connected to Zeus, one of her two Dobermans. 

"Zeus is no girl dog name, Dee Dee."

"I like it just the same."

Her right, leashed to "Horus". 

"What kind of name is that?"

"Egyptian god."

"I thought those dogs were German. Is that a girl name?"

"Oh, Bubba. Just a name I like."

"You read too much, Dee Dee."

The older waitresses at Bucky's say the same thing. "Got her nose in the books again."

"Watcha reading, girl?"

"The Notebook."

Lori smiled. "I saw that one. Mandy, you see the notebook movie?"

"Yep. Saw that one. We got pecan pie today?"

What was it Tony fussed about, told Dee Dee what her problem was. "You need to think about people, too, Dee Dee. Always this book, that book."

"I like to read."

"I know, Dee Dee. I know. Everybody knows, you like to read. And those stupid dogs of yours."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Just think about some time with me, think about going more places, seeing some stuff."

"You want me to stop reading?"

"No--not exactly. Just, just not all the time. Like eating with a book on the table. Stuff like that."

"And since when did you stop liking Zeus and Horus?"

"I like them fine. They're dogs."

"I like them."

"No, you love them. 

"They're my dogs."

"I know, Dee Dee."

"I'm taking them to the park--yes, I'm coming back. Hour or so."


"Horus! Zeus!"

Lyman 2024