Tuesday, May 11, 2021

A Confluence of Coincidence

My sister's first grandchild to be graduated from high school celebrated that threshold yesterday. My brother's youngest child will end her high school career soon, too. They, the Class of '21, may be reconvened for their 50th reunion in 2071. 

I find the notion, uh, staggering, but not much more so than my 50th reunion being held this year. Coincidentally. 

Markers, you know. We do seem to gravitate toward anniversaries and reunions--demarcations, mostly by 5s and 10s and 20s and, well, 50s. Of course, the 100th such and such, a wow. Or 250th. 

After all, who can forget we celebrate the 1000th anniversary of Basil II's victory over Giorgi I at Lake Palakazio. I know, tell me about it. Go Byzantine Empire!

I suspect I'm more likely to hear--maybe--from some member of Baton Rouge High School's Class of 1981, my first group of seniors as their high school English teacher. I think it very likely they will celebrate their 40th. Coincidentally. Go Bulldogs! 

No seniors on my watch in 1991, was in the throes of a run of 9th and 10th graders then. But in 2001, after a transfer between schools, I did usher 3 classes of seniors to the end of their high school run. And so, their 20th. Go Green Wave!

Let us not forget this year is the 1250th mark for Japanese business Genda Shigyo, a ceremonial paper goods company. Go Emperor Konin!

I have saved the Class of 2011 at Ashley Ridge High School for last--only 10 years ago, already 10 years ago. They were our first full group of  seniors at the newest high school in the district. Go Swamp Foxes!

Now whether I will hear from the Classes of '82 & '83, '95-2000, 02'-'08, or '12 & '13, when certain milestones arrive, I can't say. But they will be measured. An accounting will be made. It's what we do.

By the way, I will be 117 in 2071 when my nieces celebrate that 50th mark. Put it on your calendar. My 100th.


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