Thursday, June 10, 2021

Thursday Twofer

                                              Breaking Ground

the grass freshly cut

the shovel chopping through the crust of earth

breaking ground

for each forsythia

each a living thing


after divining the spot

glances over my shoulder at the late afternoon sun

and then turning my head

imagining the arc of the sun

come up in the morning

some sweat on my forehead

a sting in the corner of my eye

and back into the task at hand

by a hollowing to secure

their places in this world

each a living thing


and with those three grounded now

I turn to the butterfly bush

the impulse buy

and with each spade of earth

I think of butterflies and hummingbirds

that may delight a child

may delight the child in me

each a living thing

Ladson 2013


Yes, the cup was broken,

then mended.

Yes, the cup was empty,

then filled.


From the well of your goodness,

I drank.

Deep, the cup.

Deeper, the well.


In you I am

a swimmer in a pool of cool, deep water.

Deep, the water.

Cool, the water.


In you, I am.

Ladson 2013

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