Monday, January 17, 2022

What Violence Bears Away

First, let me apologize for the vehemence of my blatant bias.

I abhor all physical violence inflicted against others. All forms--perpetrated by individuals, by groups, by states. Personal or ideological. 

While I find some chatter about our tribalism at times overheated, I confess to a very reductive theory of two fundamental tribes of humans: those who hurt--murder--others and those who do not.

Those among us who seem so glib, even gleeful, when talking about hurting others to gain some political or economic end annihilate the spirit of what I daresay they endorse, that whole life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness proposition.

Violence of this sort renders the sanctity of life as so much bunk. 

May not be much point in recommending a deep dive into the despair birthed by humanity's ongoing violence one against another, but let me propose the experience and the outcome won't be any different here than elsewhere across time. 

On a societal scale, thousands of lives lost, communities shattered, generations untethered from hope.

The violent would make themselves gods. History shows us many times over how that brand of tribalism rips lives asunder. 

When I think of family and friends, neighbors, children--especially children--all I can summon is a simple phrase: Go in peace.

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