Saturday, July 30, 2022

My Brilliant NIL Career

Yes, I may be signing a contract to teach 2 sections of English 4 Honors (Brit Lit) for a local school district that includes a lucrative Name/Image/Likeness addendum. Five figures, folks!

Gonna be uuuuuuuge!

I already have my crackerjack messaging team churning.

Only the best people, the best people working for me, the best team ever, the best!

Already packaged Scott Kaple, Scott R. Kaple, SRKaple, SKaple, SRK, and SK. Oh, and sk. 

Man of the people, not all people, but most people, at least some people, and so sk.

The obvious, local car detailing shop, outdoor gear store, plumbing and electrical, and insurance connections. All Scott's.... See, see how that works, same name.

It's beautiful, it's gonna be uuuuuge, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!

OMG, Scott brand, I just thought of that before my team did. Paper towels, wow! My image on the package. And toilet paper, everyone loves toilet paper. My students will love that. 

We're going national--na-tion-al!

And shop towels. Can you say tie-in? Plumbing and electrical and shop towels--Boom!

But wait, there's more!

Rags in a box and car detailing shop. See what I did there? Tie-in!

Even more! Booooom!

Scotts lawn care products--we're taking the campaign outdoors. You've got lawn food, grass seed, weed control, pest control, spreaders, yard tools, mulch and soil. Just imagine, my face on a bag of mulch. That's rich.

Uge and Uger! We're going international--in-ter-na-tion-al!

Now about Scotts International Trade Consultant in Krakow....


Looks like my NIL income will be more than the teaching gig. Imagine that.

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