Monday, March 11, 2024

Junk Drawer (6)

File under 'Not nice to fool with Mother Nature': In a drastic attempt to protect their beachfront homes, residents in Salisbury, Massachusetts, invested $500,000 in a sand dune to defend against encroaching tides. After being completed last week, the barrier made from 14,000 tons of sand lasted just 72 hours before it was completely washed away, according to WCVB. (From The Daily Beast)

The paddywhack is a ligament that connects a cow's head to its neck. So the next time you sing that song--well, now you know.

The 2024 South Carolina Presidential primaries: Trump - 452,496 votes and Haley - 299,084, and Biden - 126,336. In 2020 over 2.4 million votes were cast in the presidential election in SC. 

The ad for a product using the phrase "LOAN CANON" is dumb. The ad for a product that turns your lungs into a "PHLEGM CANON"--boom, there's a visual that's hard to unsee. 

In 2005 South Carolina's electric co-ops' coal-fired power plants generated 79% of the co-ops' power production. In 2023, 31%.

Kellogg's CEO Gary Pilnick recently suggested "The cereal category has always been quite affordable, and it tends to be a great destination when consumers are under pressure. If you think about the cost of cereal for a family versus what they might otherwise do, that's going to be more affordable." Yep, nothing says going somewhere special like a bowl of Rice Krispies. I'm thinking-just spitballin' really--that Pilnick and family are not supping on bowls of cereal for dinner. Pilnick earned $5 million in salary and incentives last year.

Dallas Seavey has won the Iditarod sled dog race 5 times. Unfortunately this time around his dogs got into it with a moose and Seavey shot and killed the moose. Fair enough, rules-wise. But he needed to gut the moose before continuing the race. Yep, it's in the rules. Officials determined Seavey didn't get the gutting done in a proper manner, so they docked him 2 hours as a penalty. 


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