Saturday, August 24, 2024

Trial (F)

The three prisoners were brought down from the small village by seven comrades. Five were men, the other two looked to be 15 or 16. One of the men had grey in his hair and beard.  The sun was just coming up over the stadium, and we all held mugs of coffee. 

"Just three?" Our leader tapped his mug.

The grey one nodded.

"And a priest?"

"He's not a real priest" one of the younger guards said.

"He wears a collar. He's a priest."

"He's not a Catholic father" the other younger one added. "He's a fascist." He spat.

"That's right. He's not one of us. He's--is a traitor."

The grey one faced them. "Both of you, shut up." He turned to our leader. "They were together in the plaza with their dead. Everyone else was gone farther up into the mountains."

Our leader looked down at the ground for a moment. "Well," he said,"we can't take them down to the port."

"No. We only brought them with us to see what information they may give you."

"You killed the others?"


"And now here we are with them."



"I am Father Peter."

"You keep bad company, Father Peter."

"My church does not exclude--"

"Fascists! Traitors!"

"You two go over to the truck and wait until I speak to you again. Now, Father, are you with these men?"

"They are in my care."

"Well, they are going to die this morning. I can't let them live. I can't let them be a burden. But, you are with them?"

"I am a man of peace."

Our leader looked at the grey one. "Yes?"

He shrugged. "He did not have a gun."

"Take those two over to the courtyard."

Three of our local militia set down their coffees and picked up their rifles. 


The two were led across the street and around the corner. No one spoke in our group. A few minutes later we heard 3 shots. Then another volley.

"So, Father Peter, now we must decide. And decide quickly."

The grey one took out his pistol and shot the priest in the forehead. Father Peter fell over on his side, his face turned into the ground. The grey one walked over and shot him again, this time in the back of his head.

"He was with them."

"Yes, he was with them. Everyone to the truck."

Lyman 2024

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