Monday, June 13, 2022

Quiz: So You Want My Vote?

Answer in complete sentences. Puffery, platitudes, and personal attacks will result in significant score deductions. Lying will disqualify you from holding public office.* Be an adult.

1. Explain why voters older than 60 should or should not vote for you. (10)

2. Explain why voters under 30 should or should not vote for you. (10)

3. Explain why voters in the upper income quintile should or should not vote for you. (10)

4. Explain why voters in the lower income quintile should or should not vote for you. (10)

5. Discuss both pros and cons of term limits for senators and representatives. (10)

6. Explain why business owners should or should not vote for you. (10)

7. Explain why workers, employees, or labor should or should not vote for you. (10)

8. Give one specific piece of legislation you intend to offer. (10)

9. Which constitutional amendment do you believe needs revision, or what constitutional amendment do you believe should be added. Explain. (10)

10. What organization is your largest campaign donor? Explain why that donation would be made to your campaign. (10)

*No, I am not really that naive. 

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