I see Boeing's stock price is down around 25% so far this year. Of course, their difficulties seem to routinely make the news. Tough stretch, unless you are the outgoing CEO Dave Calhoun. Calhoun may get up to $45 million in compensation as he exits the company. He replaced another CEO under heavy pressure who garnered a reported $62 million to--well, let me be blunt--get the hell out of there. See, kids, how the world works? Now that's a participation trophy.
Greenstone Resource Partners LLC ring a bell? Nope, me neither. GSC Farm LLC? Nope. Cibola, Arizona? Nope. Why on the radar now? Because GSC bought 485 acres in Cibola Valley in 2013/14. Now GRP is using water rights to sell, for a profit understandably, water to communities like Queen Creek outside of Phoenix nearly 200 miles away. So not a farming operation? Not so much. GRP has 25 subsidiaries in the water transfer business. I don't know enough about taxes and accounting to say anything snarky. But since the company won't go on record about why such an organizational approach--well, go figure.
How about Conservative Move? Based in Texas, the company is a conduit for residential moves from Blue states to Red states. In fact, South Carolina, where I am a resident, is red hot for so-inclined transplants, hotter than Florida or Texas--metaphorically. CM's website says, "When your community no longer reflects morals and values, it might be time for a move." Cagey wording that. May I suggest the word your be slipped in front of morals and in front of values.
Okay, okay, I'll join the fray. Beyonce's "Sixteen Carriages" is Song of the Year. Genre? I'm going with Americana.
My five-year-old almond trees--yes, here in Upstate South Carolina--are heavy with green almonds this spring. Maybe this is the year I roast my own.
Fun flower facts: Most roses sold in the US come from Ecuador, and most peonies come from the Nederlands.
I see more and more ads for honey bacon...because...you can't have too much of too much of a good thing.
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